
Showing posts from February, 2014

I have to keep my feet on the ground

For all the Gen Xers who know the quote, "I have to keep my feet on the ground" because you repeatedly watched the movie Never Ending Story as a child, thank you for screaming it out with me as you read it. For everyone else, there is a movie called Never Ending Story about a little boy who reads a book and becomes a part of the story. Early 80s, very cool. But two lines have been running through my head for the past month, the childlike Empress calls to Sebastian, " Bastian, why don't you do what you dream, Bastian? " and Bastian responds, " But I can't, I have to keep my feet on the ground ." I have two friends who have both blogged or told me personally to fly recently, jump off the cliff into whatever Jesus is opening up for you unashamedly and without reserve. Now, even though I live in Rwanda and some may think that I, too, am one of these dreamers. Let me assure you, I am not. When I do something I am going to read the research and