
Showing posts from April, 2013

$10 in your pocket and you are wealthy!

I have been reading some blogs about minimalism and am in a study about being more grateful. I have been thinking about my trip back to America last year and anticipate my visit this year. It is hard going back to a world that seems so familiar, but yet so foreign. Some of the things that shocked me after living here was the materialism. I think everyone can admit how wrapped up America has become in their possessions. I know I was. As I was getting ready to come here two years ago, there was a freeing process I went through of getting rid of almost everything I owned.   And then when I left Rwanda to visit America, I was in between houses, so I locked up the majority of my stuff in my office. I don’t have that many things and it’s nice. There are some differences living here—I can wear basically the same wardrobe all year around, so I don’t have to store seasonal clothes. But overall, I just don’t feel connected to things the same way I used to. I live in a country where $1/da