
Showing posts from October, 2012

Let us Help Each Other

Wow. It seems like yesterday I was driving around Oklahoma seeing family and friends, drinking Dr. Pepper and eating loads of Mexican food! So let me update you on what has been going on for those who don't follow my every move on Facebook. This is a long one…so grab your coffee and let's go... I jumped right back into work right away, but with a new approach. While in the states, I kept hearing the same message from speakers and mentors: See where God is working and find how you can be the hands and feet, not the other way around. I realized that I'm not supposed to do something, then try and figure out how God fits in. I know, this may be common sense to you, but I'm a little slow and new to this missionary thing. =) Also, I want to get really focused on where my times goes. There are so many good things to be involved in, but I really want to be focused on doing something really well. So you may be asking…where is your focus going? During the month o