Untitled ramblings

I'm not giving this a title, because I'm not sure what to call it yet...this is just going to be some stuff that is in my head. Maybe no one will read this and I'm just getting some stuff out of my head and on paper (digital paper..give me a break). It's a little longer than usual, so be patient.

I have been sick over the last 8 days--sick in bed. It gave me some time to do some reading, some thinking, some movie-watching and a lot of sleeping. Being sick a million miles away from home stinks. Can I be honest? Well, of course I can, this is my blog. It stinks big time. I got a pretty common bug here, giardia, a crazy micro organism that lives in your small intestines. I included a picture because I think it looks like the thing on the Matrix that they pull out of Neo's belly button. I really wasn't "sick" I just had no energy and just felt really lethargic. I have some other bugs that we will start medicines on once I finish the medicine for the g-bug. My weak American system isn't used to some of the things we can come in contact with here.

As you might have noticed from my last post, I have started some new Bible studies. On Monday, I rallied some energy and enjoyed some bonding time with some 12-14 year old girls. By Wednesday (my 15-18 yr old study), I was really feeling knocked down. It was a really rainy night and no one showed. I'm not sure if God was allowing me the break, or if the time was already filled with other things. We will see next week. I was headed back to my bed and my roommate asked if we should cancel the Thursday night ladies study. I said, "No, we can't. Absolutely not." She smiled (I think she was hoping I would say that.) We are both really enjoying the bonding time with Sheila Walsh and our friends learning about God's promises.

I was preparing for the Thursday night Bible study. Topic: The Promise of Provision. Scripture: "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19. I was just reading over the group questions when a message popped up on facebook. A co-worker from my last job passed away. He was a young guy, exactly one month older than me and had a heart attack at work. His name was Joe, I called him Joe-schmo, or Schmo for short (not for any real reason, I just like to give nicknames to people I like).

What I remember about Joe: He was such a sweet guy! He only started working there a few months before I left. But I've said it a hundred times--He loved his wife and he loved Jesus. He talked about his church and was interested in my trip to Africa. When Buddy (my super dog) was hit by a car shortly before I left, Joe was concerned, genuinely concerned. He and his wife had come by my house one day and had met my dog crew. He genuinely cared that my dog had died and sympathized. I would tease him about working with our team (which was all women) of just being "one of the girls". He would roll his eyes and snicker--I think he liked it. =) Joe was a hard-worker. Anything he was given he would do 110% and then ask for more. He loved helping people. He genuinely cared about people. Not just the "Hi, how are you doing?" kind of concern, but the "I know your name and I care about what is going on in your life" kind. I remember his little laugh--he loved to laugh. And he was affirming to my jokes, which are not that great all the time, but acted like they were. Joe was my friend.

My mom offered this in email, "Death often catches us unaware and sometimes it takes the young and unsuspecting.  We know things like this happen but it is always such a shock when it is someone we know and love.  I'm sure you have known there would be a time when someone you knew would die while you were out of the country, but deep down inside you probably never thought it would really happen because that reality is hard to face until you are forced to.  The shock is what we have a hard time dealing with.  "How could someone you just saw and talked to a couple of months ago, who was young and seemingly in good health, die suddenly after you left the country?"  It happens.  It happens every day probably to someone in the world.  That doesn't make it any easier to accept but it is life.  What a blessing that he crossed paths with you in this life, even for a brief time when you were grieving the loss of Buddy and you got to know him at least a little!"

Well put, mom. 

There were so many people God put in my path as I was getting ready to leave the country. Some I got to live with, some I borrowed cars from, some I got to do the chicken dance with (Dava Lynn), some I got to umpire with, some that I took road trips with, some I got to share my fears, expectations and excitement with, some I got to walk around the mall with and eat lots and lots of cupcakes and Mexican food with (thanks to the g-bug that weight is gone..hehe), some old friends, some new. God doesn't do anything on accident.

My favorite song for this week, Gungor's Every Breath "Every breath, Every moment life beats in my chest, Springs up from Your hand, Creation resounds, With every color and every sound, Your love is calling, I will love You with all of my heart, I will love You with all of my mind, I’ll love You with all of my strength, Love you with everything"

There are two things on Joe's facebook that I want to share to close:
The only thing you need to do in life is be true to the ones you love, and yourself, and everything else will work out just fine. Proverbs 6:1-5

"Life is a journey... One of ups and downs, ins and outs, wrongs and rights...I choose to live mine like there may be no tomorrow, like I'll never get hurt, or never have to live with regret. Love alot,cry a little, and smile even when it hurts." I'm all about taking life and all it has to offer! Life should be enjoyed for the experience. I live by Gods word and have a loving wife. I take it day by day and live to the fullest. I love helping charities and am a easy going person!
I was born in California and moved to Oklahoma City in 1999 when My Father was transferred here for his job. I met my wife Kathy and married her in 2006.

Joe was a good man. Selah~


  1. Jamie..so sorry to hear about Joe's passing and your being sick. Like "mom" said, we know those things can happen but really don't expect them...very human side of our kind. Been praying for you..... I have this really cool chair here at my house that I see often and think about you. Hope the Giardia is going away...my dogs have had that...try boiled chicken and rice...worked for them. Love ya!

  2. Thanks Momma Mac! I feel your prayers and support always!

    I'm not sure how I feel about sharing the parasite with your dogs?! I take my last pill tonight, so I should be giardia free...been feeling good since Saturday.


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