"One More" for Joe

I introduced "Joe's One More Drive" last week, for the full story, click here A family at our church here in Rwanda has made it their mission to help abandoned children. Faith and Roger Shaw have 18 children they are currently taking care of...with a little help from some "aunties". The Shaw's are currently in process of developing a fish farm, which, in the future will not only financially sustain their large family, but will help teach the children a trade. More information here. In honor of the life of my friend Joe, who dedicated his life to helping others. I am asking you--my friends and family--to adopt this precious family. You can help in several ways: 1) Pick one or more of the children to shop for. Clothes, underwear, socks and shoes are the greatest need, but we also want the children to have a special toy just for them. We will be collecting the items in Oklahoma and then sending them with someone who will be traveling (it is cheaper and mo...