Vulnerables in Rwanda

For those of you who know me…really know me…you will totally get how hard my heart broke on Tuesday.

But first, let me back up. First thing in the morning, we have a Bible study hosted at the Jenkins' house including many women missionaries or "expatriates" (non-locals). It was very interesting, as I am sitting in a room with many Christian faiths, studying the second chapter of James--one of my favorite books. There were pretty much only Americans and Brits. It was very, very fascinating.

Ok, so the heart break story…Jana and Keli were going to take me to the orphanage, but as soon as we arrived so did another rain and hail storm. We sat in the car and finally decided to "rain" check for another day. No, the orphanage is not the heart break story. On our way back home, I noticed something small on the sidewalk near the Jenkins' house. As we got closer, I noticed it was moving a little. As we got even closer, I realized it was a puppy!!! Lonely, sitting there on the sidewalk in the rain. I looked and Keli and we made sad faces together, she said that maybe someone just let it out, but maybe it did have a home. Then I looked across the street and noticed another puppy!

My family can attest to how much self-control it took for me to not yell at the driver to stop the car immediately and save those little puppies! My stomach leapt in my throat and I just held my lips tightly closed. The Jenkins' house was very close and when we arrived, I could hear little puppy cries through the rain hitting the roof. I just said a prayer for those little guys and hoped they did have a home, or that someone picked them up.

It is very rare to see dogs out like that, most Rwandans are quite scared of dogs. They certainly don't understand our need to domesticate them. If Rwandans have dogs, they are for security reasons only.

Makes me miss Buddy, Sophie and Lizzy--my dogs at home. =(

After posting this, I was thinking throughout the day that I should note that I am NOT making light of the vulnerable children situation here. I will write about the orphanages after our visit.


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