Busy day 1

So, I ate lunch at KICS, which was stroganoff, but of course, didn't resemble the stroganoff I have eaten in the states. Still, it was good and I was starving. The staff of CCR, Christ Church Rwanda--the church started under ROC, met to pray over prayer requests and other events, which they do every Wednesday. Then off to the meeting at the mayor's office. Dave wasn't really sure what the meeting was about, but invited anyone who wanted to come. Brett Shreck and Eddie, who is one of the pastor's at CCR, joined this small adventure.

On the car ride over, Eddie explained to me that he works with kids who have trauma, mostly relating to the genocide. Because I have just completed my thesis on the Rwandan genocide, I was excited to ask questions about the ripple affect that he was dealing with. (I wish I could've finished my thesis after my trip to include so much more information…o well, it's done). He explained that the children of the genocide, whether perpetrators or victims are both dealing with so many issues--knowing their parent is in prison for these acts of violence and knowing that another child's parent was a perpetrator. How are the children supposed to deal with that?

The general climate in Rwanda is not to show emotion, which leads to pent up anger and frustration among the children. Eddie's focus is getting these kids to open up and he also works with mediating between families of perpetrators and victims. I hope to discuss more about his work.

To sum up the meeting at the mayor's office, they called up ROC to help plan a festival that will bring awareness to their "Master plan" for growth in Kigali. It was a group of events that would last for about 2 weeks in December. The events included Radio and TV shows for the mayor, sports tournaments, concerts, outdoor fair, etc. As this young guy, Bruno, explained the events, he said that they will be starting to plan these by the end of the month and wanted ROC to give advice on the events. I smiled to Bruno, and turned to Brett and giggled…two and half months to plan multiple events…in America they would start at least a year in advance. It's Africa…being flexible is the mantra.

After several meetings and a great day of a lot of information, jet lag was setting in, so I crashed for a couple of hours and awoke just before the party. The Jenkins were hosting a party in honor of a lady from the church who will be moving to the UK for school. It was nice to visit and eat traditional Rwandan food….and brownies.

End of Day 1. I hope the rest don't go this fast!

God bless Rwanda and the development that is going on here. Bless the missionaries here who are working to impact the thought leaders, letting them know that You are in charge. God, watch over this country and the capital city of Kigali, where so many great things are happening. ROC is obviously an important piece as they are being consulted by the city, continue to foster and bless this relationship.


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