A Duhu Like We've Never Seen

O my goodness. I’m laying awake tonight so excited as we are launching this fundraising website and a new twist on our ministry.

This is a story about God being God.

There is no way in this small message I can tell you the full story, so know there are years of evidence that God has been moving things into place and then He opened the door and said, “Jamie, I want to show you something.” Okay, that was Moses, our youth minister who verbally said it, but God inspired him. Just a few short weeks ago I was shown an alley where women sell sex. I knew it happened, I knew it was there, but I hadn’t ever seen it with my own eyes. We talked to one young woman who said that if she had ANY other option in life, she would not be a prostitute. 

Jamie, do you love me?
Yes, Lord, you know I love you.
Then feed my lambs.

Fast forward a few weeks to having two Rwandan social workers say, “I want to help!” A best buddy who said, “I’m in!” An Australian social worker who has experience with helping women transitioning from sex work who said, “I’ll come.” A counselor who said, “I’ll help because God wants to redeem their whole selves,” and a whole bunch of Duhus who need work experience and have a heart for their community saying, “Me too!”

Jamie, daughter of David and Vicki, sister of Jennifer, do you love me?
Yes, Lord, you know I love you.
Then take care of my sheep.

I read a book called “Anything” by Jennie Allen (one of my favorite Jesus people). Her and her husband prayed a prayer to give God anything. That’s a scary prayer, real scary. What is holding me back from truly loving God and giving everything to Him?

Jamie Lea Boiles, do you love me?
Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.
Then feed my sheep.

I have such a passion for women who want life change and I believe that life change starts with Jesus. 

So here it is. We are developing a one-year program reaching women who have been in sex work. Five days a week. All year long. One time I asked you to join me as we were developing something called Duhugurane. You joined, you prayed, you gave. This is Duhugurane like we’ve never seen it before! And I’m asking you again to join us, pray and give.

We are going to start a journey with about 15 women who want out of sex work. We are raising $10,000 to get this going. That will help Bronte, the social worker, get to Rwanda, it helps us hire the Rwandan social worker to run things under 3 months of supervision, then take over. We can secure a space near where they live and training supplies.

A typical day will start with Bible study, then life skills/job skills/counseling/entrepreneurship training, lunch, then job training with No. 41 to learn a skill that can replace their income.

I don’t know what this year will look like, I don’t even know all the women yet because the Rwandans have told me they will find the women who are serious about life change. But I’m asking you to join me in this journey. Gabie and I knew Duhu was changing, we knew it was about to be different, but we had no idea this is what it would be! And that’s exciting!

We want to launch this by 1 August. The women are waiting. Click here to join us!


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