Small Bits of my Life: My future
Here’s more honesty: This has been the hardest, most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I get stared at and challenged daily because I do not look like the majority of this country. I pretend I am the tough, confident person they think I am, but I’m not and sometimes my day ends early because I am just worn out. I have experienced what has felt like every emotion possible, sometimes all in the same day! Things don’t work in my host culture as they do in my home culture and the rules and norms are completely different. I am reminded everyday that this is not my home, but in all honesty when I come back to America I am reminded that America isn't either.
What’s crazy is this: Even as tough as it is, I wouldn’t be anywhere else right now in my life. Someone asked me not too long ago why I stay, even with so many people coming and going, and constantly making new friends, why I’m still here? I responded that I am the best version of me here. I listen to God and want His guidance in every footstep. I am more focused on doing what we are called to do of making disciples and loving people. I want to be here to love well.
So, as you may have guessed my “3 year commitment to Rwanda” has come and gone. I have changed organizations, but am doing the same work. I have had the opportunity with Belay Global to dream bigger and have the support to really see some of those dreams come true.
My new friend *wink*, Jennie Allen, wrote in a blog post about her visit to Rwanda and said two things that I gave an outloud: AMEN! “We think we are helpful and we are just not. We think we know better and we just don’t…We mistake people for projects. We mistake need for weakness. We mistake struggle for pity.”
She goes on to share her “prayer for us: God help our arrogance. Help our honest misunderstanding that we have it better. Show us a new way…Let us be the one who spread dignity rather than charity. Let it be true of our generation, that on our watch we empowered rather than disabled. May we be ones that brought friendship instead of pity. I learned a word yesterday…Duhugurane 'Let us learn from each other'."
First thing, y’all, she used my word! Second thing, y’all she gets my word. I’m not here to pity people who have less than what my home culture says is a certain standard of living. I’m not here to tell them how they should be doing things according to my home culture. I’m here to host a forum where people from different backgrounds can sit together and learn together and hopefully better their future…mine included.
When I talked with the US Director of Belay Global asking him what he expected of me, I don’t remember his exact words, but it was something to the effect of, “Love well” (at least that was what I heard). I’m gonna make sure that is in my job description.
So I have signed on for 2 more years serving as a missionary with Belay Global. I will still be in charge of oversight of Duhu, but we have moved the day-to-day work and follow up to my program coordinator, Gabie. My job is focused on partnerships and growth. I want to develop a stronger entrepreneurship program, building stronger businesses, creating more jobs, empowering more people. I want to make sure we are focused on intentional discipleship and building relationships with the people we serve.
I first read about Jennie Allen when someone told me about something calledIF:GATHERING. The whole premise is this: "If God is real, THEN what...". It's a challenge to live out everyday, every moment as if God is truly real and He is who He says He is.

I am not the typical "missionary". My job looks very different than most people think of when they think of traditional missionaries. I live in a country where I can proudly say I’m a Christian and pray over these girls and do Bible studies with them, and I can also disciple and build relationships when I am preparing them for a job interview or sitting with their family when they’ve lost a loved one.
I want them to take responsibility for their country and its future. I want them to have dignity in the work they do and know they earned the results of their hard work. I don’t pamper them and sometimes you might even think I’m not loving on them by being strict with them, but enabling someone to stay in their circumstances doesn’t help anyone. I want to challenge them: If you believe God is real, how does that change your life? What are you going to do differently?
I love Jesus and I love these girls. That’s why I stay.
So here's the bottom line…I need you to be able stay for two more years. I need your prayers and your financial support, it's just that simple. I need an additional $1000 per month in monthly pledges to get back to where I started 3 years ago.
Life happens and some people have had to drop off in commitment, so there is a gap.
Maybe you have given one-time and would like to be a monthly donor, or you were a donor in the past and would like to sign up again. Now is a great time to do that! Belay Global uses a system called Cedarstone to help process donations quickly and efficiently. You can sign up online to have your monthly donation processed online at:
If you prefer to send a check, that's great too. The address is at Just send me a quick message letting me know your commitment and that you will be mailing your check so I can keep a record.
I need your support to continue to find out: "If God is real, THEN what..."
What’s crazy is this: Even as tough as it is, I wouldn’t be anywhere else right now in my life. Someone asked me not too long ago why I stay, even with so many people coming and going, and constantly making new friends, why I’m still here? I responded that I am the best version of me here. I listen to God and want His guidance in every footstep. I am more focused on doing what we are called to do of making disciples and loving people. I want to be here to love well.
So, as you may have guessed my “3 year commitment to Rwanda” has come and gone. I have changed organizations, but am doing the same work. I have had the opportunity with Belay Global to dream bigger and have the support to really see some of those dreams come true.
My new friend *wink*, Jennie Allen, wrote in a blog post about her visit to Rwanda and said two things that I gave an outloud: AMEN! “We think we are helpful and we are just not. We think we know better and we just don’t…We mistake people for projects. We mistake need for weakness. We mistake struggle for pity.”
She goes on to share her “prayer for us: God help our arrogance. Help our honest misunderstanding that we have it better. Show us a new way…Let us be the one who spread dignity rather than charity. Let it be true of our generation, that on our watch we empowered rather than disabled. May we be ones that brought friendship instead of pity. I learned a word yesterday…Duhugurane 'Let us learn from each other'."
First thing, y’all, she used my word! Second thing, y’all she gets my word. I’m not here to pity people who have less than what my home culture says is a certain standard of living. I’m not here to tell them how they should be doing things according to my home culture. I’m here to host a forum where people from different backgrounds can sit together and learn together and hopefully better their future…mine included.
When I talked with the US Director of Belay Global asking him what he expected of me, I don’t remember his exact words, but it was something to the effect of, “Love well” (at least that was what I heard). I’m gonna make sure that is in my job description.
So I have signed on for 2 more years serving as a missionary with Belay Global. I will still be in charge of oversight of Duhu, but we have moved the day-to-day work and follow up to my program coordinator, Gabie. My job is focused on partnerships and growth. I want to develop a stronger entrepreneurship program, building stronger businesses, creating more jobs, empowering more people. I want to make sure we are focused on intentional discipleship and building relationships with the people we serve.
I first read about Jennie Allen when someone told me about something calledIF:GATHERING. The whole premise is this: "If God is real, THEN what...". It's a challenge to live out everyday, every moment as if God is truly real and He is who He says He is.

I am not the typical "missionary". My job looks very different than most people think of when they think of traditional missionaries. I live in a country where I can proudly say I’m a Christian and pray over these girls and do Bible studies with them, and I can also disciple and build relationships when I am preparing them for a job interview or sitting with their family when they’ve lost a loved one.
I want them to take responsibility for their country and its future. I want them to have dignity in the work they do and know they earned the results of their hard work. I don’t pamper them and sometimes you might even think I’m not loving on them by being strict with them, but enabling someone to stay in their circumstances doesn’t help anyone. I want to challenge them: If you believe God is real, how does that change your life? What are you going to do differently?
I love Jesus and I love these girls. That’s why I stay.
So here's the bottom line…I need you to be able stay for two more years. I need your prayers and your financial support, it's just that simple. I need an additional $1000 per month in monthly pledges to get back to where I started 3 years ago.
Life happens and some people have had to drop off in commitment, so there is a gap.
Maybe you have given one-time and would like to be a monthly donor, or you were a donor in the past and would like to sign up again. Now is a great time to do that! Belay Global uses a system called Cedarstone to help process donations quickly and efficiently. You can sign up online to have your monthly donation processed online at:
If you prefer to send a check, that's great too. The address is at Just send me a quick message letting me know your commitment and that you will be mailing your check so I can keep a record.
I need your support to continue to find out: "If God is real, THEN what..."
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