Small Bits of my Life: My future
Here’s more honesty: This has been the hardest, most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I get stared at and challenged daily because I do not look like the majority of this country. I pretend I am the tough, confident person they think I am, but I’m not and sometimes my day ends early because I am just worn out. I have experienced what has felt like every emotion possible, sometimes all in the same day! Things don’t work in my host culture as they do in my home culture and the rules and norms are completely different. I am reminded everyday that this is not my home, but in all honesty when I come back to America I am reminded that America isn't either. What’s crazy is this: Even as tough as it is, I wouldn’t be anywhere else right now in my life. Someone asked me not too long ago why I stay, even with so many people coming and going, and constantly making new friends, why I’m still here? I responded that I am the best version of me here. I listen to God and want His guidance in ever