In my opinion, and of course this is my opinion because this is my blog, but I believe that the general church-going population believes that as a missionary, I am always on this mountaintop spiritual "high". That I am always seeking God because I have moved so far from home and my family. Let me dispel this rumor, this is not true. Just like in America, my spiritual walk has peaks, valleys and plateaus. There are times when I see God working and moving in such tangible ways that I sit back and worship and praise His name. I pray so fervently that I become physically tired. Our team takes time to pray every week for various things, but always seeks God's guidance and leadership over us. And there are times when I see a situation and I pray real hard and I don't see God moving and I look to the sky and ask, "Where are you? Creator of the universe, who can make all things happen and controls the movement of every star, why aren't you moving in THIS situatio...
This is something I rarely talk about, much less write about. So buckle in, I'm getting vulnerable here. When I was young, up through high school, I was very active. I played softball, golf, any activity at youth events. If there was activity, I was there. During my senior year of high school, I noticed a lot of pain that I just couldn't describe, it was just all over. We were talking with my local college about playing my freshman year as a walk-on with the softball team, but as the heat of the summer kicked in, it wasn't an option. I remember the heartbreaking moment for me admitting that I had hit my limit. I could still play recreational ball, but competitive softball was over for me. At the beginning of my sophomore year of college something was very wrong, but again, I couldn't explain it; I just hurt all over. I had to sit out a semester of school and my mom was on a mission to find out what was wrong. I was having blinding tension headaches and I constantly ...
As a child I remember a story about the city mouse and the country mouse, I am making a cultural adaptation here...the city mouse and the village mouse. Once apon a time, there was a city mouse, who was very convinced her city way of doing things was the right way. She had the clothes and the friends equivocal to the city life. There were certain foods she longed to have daily access to, where she knew city life was the only life for her. For the sake of this story, we will call this city mouse, Jamie. Then she was introduced to the village mouse, who, for the sake of the story we will call Tara. This village mouse wanted nothing more than to live in the village and work with other village mice. Tara and Jamie met and then lost touch. I'm not sure why, but sometimes it just happens. City life gets too city and village life get too...villagey. Then one day, unbeknownst to either mouse, their paths were crossed. The village mouse had come to the city to pray at the city mou...
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