A Welcomed Hug

Coming back to Rwanda is like coming back to school after a summer break. Everyone has new clothes, new hairdos, and new gadgets to show off. But there is one thing that doesn't change. Every time I return to Rwanda I always look for one familiar face...Fanny. Fanny is one of the employees on our ROC--school and church property. She has been here since my first trip 3 years ago. She is by far one of the sweetest, most gentle souls I've ever met. Sidebar: The cultural norm here to greet another female is to embrace and touch one cheek with yours, then the other, then back to the original side and sometimes you get this...(in my opinion) a weak, limp hug. I like a good bear hug when I've been gone for awhile. That big squeeze that might cause you both to fall straight over! When I saw Fanny for the first time last week, she gave me a bear hug! It's good to be back!