Aunt Jamie's prayers

I believe that being an aunt is one of the most important titles I hold. Some of you know my 3 precious biological niece and nephews, Carsten, Cohen and Teegin. My life was turned inside out when we were blessed with those cuties. Some of their friends began to call me Aunt Jamie. I kind of got used to the title. My definition of the word aunt: one who gets to love 'em, sugar 'em up and send them back to their moms (then take a nap) . Two weeks ago, one of our teammates told me, "Jamie, you're going to be an aunt again!" I was a little stumped at first, with 2 biological kids and 2 adopted kids, I knew they had a houseful. A baby had been left in a field and was being circled by some dogs when the neighborhood security guys found her. My friends agreed to take this little angel baby until a permanent situation can be found. Her mom abandoned her and is facing consequences because of it, but now Little G has joined our ROC team. After spending five seconds ...