Help me make it a great 2012!

So, it's that time of year, every organization you've ever given to is asking for money. It's the end of the year and everyone knows we all want those tax deductions!! Or you may be thinking, I just gave you money, why do you already need more? Well, things happen. Because of financial difficulties, one monthly supporter of $50 had to discontinue their support. I understand, life happens. But that $50 impacts me in a big way here. My car is...well, almost 20 years old. So far, about once a month it goes into the mechanic's shop for something. Right now, it is in for the suspension. The roads are very hard on the cars here and even though I love my "hot rod" (as one of my teammates' kids call it); I have realized I need to get a vehicle that sits up a little higher (and maybe has air conditioning for the hot days). There are many roads I am not able to drive on. Just like on Friday when we were going to the orphanage. Usually, I ride with some friends...